
UNSC extends mandate of mission in Sudan


The Security Council has extended the mandate of the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), the peacekeeping force in the disputed Abyei area which straddles northern and southern Sudan, until December 15, 2021…reports Asian Lite News

Unanimously adopting Resolution 2606 and acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the US, the council reaffirmed all previous resolutions and presidential statements concerning the situation in Abyei and along the border between Sudan and South Sudan, underlining the importance of full compliance with and implementation of these, reports Xinhua news agency.

UNSC extends mandate of mission in Sudan

The council recognised that the current situation continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security.

It decided to remain actively seized of the matter.

The UNISFA was set up by the Security Council in June 2011 in response to the renewed violence, escalating tensions and population displacement in the Abyei region as South Sudan was preparing to formally declare its independence from the Sudan — the culmination of a comprehensive 2005 peace agreement.

ALSO READ: Sudan Army Chief: Issues decree forming transitional Sovereign Council

The eesource rich Abyei had in the weeks prior to the Security Council decision been the scene of deadly clashes that displaced more than 100,000 people from their homes.


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