
United States government condemns Houthi terrorist attack against UAE


A United States government official condemned the ballistic missile launched by the Houthi terrorist militia against the UAE on Monday…reports Asian Lite News

In a tweet, Edward Price, the Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, said, “We condemn the latest Houthi missile attack on Abu Dhabi. While Israel’s president is visiting the UAE to build bridges and promote stability across the region, the Houthis continue to launch attacks that threaten civilians.”

On Monday morning, the UAE air defence forces had intercepted and destroyed a ballistic missile launched by the Houthi terrorist group at the UAE.

ALSO READ: Houthis suffer serious setbacks in fight over Yemen’s oil-rich provinces

The Ministry of Defence confirmed in a statement that “there were no casualties resulting from the attack, and the fragments of the ballistic missile fell outside of populated areas.” (WAM)


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