Abdullah bin Zayed meets Prime Minister of Andorra at Expo 2020


H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, met with Xavier Espot Zamora, Prime Minister of Andorra, at Expo 2020 Dubai…reports Asian Lite News

The meeting was also attended by Maria Ubach Font, Andorra’s Minister of External Affairs.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the friendship and cooperation between the two countries and ways of strengthening them in all areas, as well as several issues of mutual concern.

Abdullah bin Zayed meets Prime Minister of Andorra at Expo 2020 (WAM)

They also addressed Andorra’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, and the key role of the major international event in enhancing their bilateral ties and establishing beneficial partnerships.

Sheikh Abdullah welcomed Zamora and Font, highlighting the UAE’s keenness to improve its bilateral ties with Andorra. (WAM)

Abdullah bin Zayed meets Prime Minister of Andorra at Expo 2020 (WAM)

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