Of those pilgrims, 22,744 have left Madinah while the total number of pilgrims remaining in the city stood at 51,076 on Saturday…reports Asian Lite News
73,820 pilgrims of various nationalities have visited Madinah after performing Hajj as of Saturday, Saudi Press Agency reported.
Hajj ended on July 12, and many pilgrims who did not visit the holy city before performing the pilgrimage traveled to it afterwards to visit the Prophet’s Mosque and pay their respects to him.
Of those pilgrims, 22,744 have left Madinah while the total number of pilgrims remaining in the city stood at 51,076 on Saturday.
7,347 left the city where Prophet Muhammad is buried through Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz International Airport.

60 samples of Zamzam water analyzed daily
60 samples of Zamzam are taken from various sites at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah daily and analyzed to ensure the safety of the water, Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday.
The samples are taken from Zamzam containers, filling points, drinking fountains, and tanks in an organized and continuous manner throughout the day. They are then analyzed to ensure the water is safe and has not been exposed to contaminants.
The laboratory where the samples are analysed is equipped with the best modern technology, and the team that collects the samples and analyzes them is made up of specialist technical staff.

Golf carts help elderly pilgrims in Madinah
The General Presidency for the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque has set up a transportation service using golf carts to help the elderly reach the mosque’s facilities more easily.
Each golf cart can accommodate six persons, and 40 employees are available to effectuate the transfers, which currently average 800 per day.
About 5,000 people per day are benefitting from the service, and 400 wheelchairs have been made available to visitors to the Prophet’s Mosque. More than 32,000 people have used the golf cart service so far in the post-Hajj season, while over 138,000 people used the service during the pre-Hajj season.
A specialized team prepares and maintains the carts and wheelchairs daily, also supplying the women’s section with wheelchairs in two locations in the new western courtyards of the Prophet’s Mosque.
Statistics from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah revealed that almost 74,000 pilgrims of various nationalities arrived in Madinah Saturday evening after performing the Hajj rituals in Makkah.
According to the statistics, almost 23,000 pilgrims left Madinah after Hajj to their respective countries.