
US global political influence shrinking: IRGC


Commenting on the US President’s recent Middle East tour, the Iranian commander said Joe Biden returned home empty-handed without any achievements…reports Asian Lite News

A top Iranian military commander has said that the reach of US global political influence is shrinking, semi-official Fars News Agency reported.

Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Hossein Salami made the remarks in an address to a conference on Sunday attended by the IRGC’s political directors.

All US attempts to form governments in regional countries are ending in failure “in a domino fashion” as is manifest in Washington’s escape from Afghanistan and other defeats, Salami added.

“These are all the signs heralding a major event, which is the US failure,” he said.

US President Joe Biden

Commenting on the US President’s recent Middle East tour, the Iranian commander said Joe Biden returned home empty-handed without any achievements, Xinhua news agency reported.

Meanwhile,  Iran has submitted proposed ideas in “both substance and form” to the other sides of the Vienna talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, to pave the way for the “swift conclusion” of the talks, Iran’s top negotiator said.

Ali Bagheri Kani, also Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, said on Sunday through Twitter that Tehran is ready to conclude the negotiations in a short period provided that the other sides would also be prepared to do the same.

Bagheri Kani added that the nuclear talks, which started in the Austrian capital in April 2021, were aimed at “fixing the damaging complicated situation caused by the US unilateral and unlawful withdrawal” from the nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in 2018.

He gave the assurance that Iran is working closely with its JCPOA partners, in particular the European Union Foreign Policy Chief and Coordinator of the JCPOA Joint Commission Josep Borrell, to give the US another chance to prove its “good faith” and “act responsibly”.

Iran signed the JCPOA with world powers in July 2015, agreeing to curb its nuclear programme in return for the removal of sanctions on the country. However, former US President Donald Trump pulled Washington out of the agreement in May 2018 and reimposed unilateral sanctions on Tehran, prompting the latter to drop some of its commitments under the pact, Xinhua news agency reported.

The talks on reviving the JCPOA began in April 2021 in the Austrian capital but were suspended in March this year because of political differences between Tehran and Washington.

After a three-month pause, the talks resumed in late June in Qatar’s capital Doha but failed to settle the differences.

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