
Xi secures third term as China’s leader


Chinese President led a new lineup of top Communist Party officials, confirming he has secured a third term as China’s leader after a week-long congress..reports Asian Lite News

President Xi Jinping secured a third term as China’s leader on October 23, 2022, state media reported, after a week-long congress in which he cemented his control over the ruling Communist Party.

Xi Jinping was also reappointed head of China’s military, after being handed a historic third term leading the country.

Xi was elected at the first plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th Central Committee, Xinhua reported, adding he “was also named chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission at the session”

Xi leads new lineup

The Chinese President led a new lineup of top Communist Party officials, confirming he has secured a third term as China’s leader after a week-long congress.

Xi walked at the head of the group at the presentation event for the CCP’s seven-member Standing Committee, a position reserved for the party’s general secretary

Xi vows to ‘work diligently’

The Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to “work diligently” after securing a historic third term as China’s leader.

“I wish to thank the whole Party sincerely for the trust you have placed in us,” he told journalists at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, promising to “work diligently in the performance of our duties to prove worthy of the great trust of our Party and our people.”

Xi promotes top aides, loyalists

Xi promoted some of his closest allies into the seven-member Politburo Standing Committee, the apex of power in the ruling Communist Party.

Shanghai Party boss Li Qiang, close aide Ding Xuexiang and Guangdong Party chief Li Xi were among the new lineup, state media reported from Beijing’s Great Hall of the People.

Vows great ‘miracles’

The Communist Party of China (CPC) is fully confident and capable of creating new and even greater miracles on the new journey of the new era, Xi Jinping said as the 20th CPC National Congress came to a conclusion Saturday.

The CPC congress has realized its goals of unifying thinking, fortifying confidence, charting the course and boosting morale, Xi told 2,338 delegates and specially invited delegates present at the closing session of the weeklong congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. “This has been a congress of holding our banner high, pooling our strength, and promoting solidarity and dedication.”

At the closing session presided over by Xi, the congress elected a new CPC Central Committee, with 205 members and 171 alternate members, and a new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) consisting of 133 members.

The congress passed a resolution on the report of the 19th CPC Central Committee, a resolution on the work report of the 19th CCDI, and a resolution on an amendment to the CPC Constitution.

The report of the 19th CPC Central Committee charts the course and establishes a guide to action for the new journey for advancing the cause of the Party and the country in the new era and for realizing the Second Centenary Goal, Xi said.

Hailing the report “a guiding Marxist document,” Xi said it is a political declaration and a program of action for the CPC to rally and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in securing new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The CCDI work report underscores the significance of using the Party’s own transformation to steer social transformation, and declares the Party’s firm resolve to keep improving conduct, promoting integrity and fighting corruption with sober-minded determination to make this an unceasing endeavor, Xi said.

On the revised CPC Constitution, which came into effect as of the date of adoption, Xi said it encapsulates the theoretical, practical and institutional innovations made by the Party.

The revised CPC Constitution sets out clear requirements for upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership, promoting the Party’s full and rigorous self-governance, continuing and improving Party building, and advancing the Party’s self-reform, he said.

The new developments in Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era since the 19th CPC National Congress have been incorporated into the Party Constitution.

Advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization has been designated as the central task of the Party on the new journey of the new era at the 20th CPC National Congress. This central task has been included in the revised Party Constitution.

Also added to the Party Constitution are statements on gradually realizing the goal of common prosperity for all, pursuing high-quality development, developing a broader, fuller and more robust whole-process people’s democracy, elevating the people’s armed forces to world-class standards, resolutely implementing the policy of One Country, Two Systems, and resolutely opposing and deterring separatists seeking “Taiwan independence.”

Holding dear humanity’s shared values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom was also included in the Party Constitution.

On the newly elected CPC Central Committee, Xi said it is a broadly representative and well-structured body with highly qualified members who meet the standards for Central Committee membership, match the expectations of ordinary officials and the general public, and reflect the realities of the Party’s leadership teams and contingent of officials.

ALSO READ-Xi tightens grip on power


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