
Trudeau accuses Russia of weaponising energy, food  


Trudeau called on Russia to completely and immediately withdraw its troops from Ukraine….reports Asian Lite News

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday (local time) accused Russia of weaponising energy and food. He said countries need to support Ukraine as well as back the sustainable development goals (SDG) and global development, calling it the only responsible choice.”

In his address at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Ukraine, Trudeau said, “Russia is weaponising energy and food, leading millions to face shortages, hunger and even starvation. Canada is dedicated to mitigating the impacts on the most vulnerable. We do not believe we have to choose between supporting Ukraine and supporting the SDGs and global development. In fact, the only responsible choice is to do both, which we are doing with solidarity and financial commitment.”

Trudeau called on Russia to completely and immediately withdraw its troops from Ukraine. He said the key principles of the Ukrainian ‘peace formula’ are rooted in international law and preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity. 

Trudeau said, “The fight of Ukraine is also our fight, it is also our common struggle and there can be no doubt about this. Canada calls on Russia to completely, immediately, without conditions, withdraw troops. The key principles of the Ukrainian peace formula because it must be a peace that respects the UN charter, is based on international law and preserves Ukraine’s territorial integrity. A peace that upholds our common humanity and common values, not a peace that turns a blind eye. It must be a peace that is built on respect for the facts and respect for the rules.”

He said Russian President Vladimir Putin violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, adding that action should be taken to stop the tragic deaths and violence. He accused Russia of using its veto power in the United Nations to facilitate the war. Noting that the United Nations was established to save people from the scourge of war, he called for making efforts to not let the world return to a place where “might makes right”.

“The UN was established to save people from the scourge of war. This fundamental principle has guided this institution since it was founded. So, we need to be 100 per cent clear about what is happening right now. A permanent member of this Security Council, Russia, has launched and continues to wage an illegal war. Vladimir Putin has violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and seeks to deny the rights of Ukrainian people to determine their own future,” Trudeau said in his address.

“At the same time, the Russian Federation has been flagrantly using its veto right within this organisation to facilitate this war and these violations of the principles of the United Nations. We must stand up to this affront to the UN. We must take action to stop the tragic deaths and violence, including sexual violence caused by this unjustifiable invasion. We must not let the world return to a place where might makes right. We must make sure that borders mean something, even when a neighbour has a bigger army,” he added.

Trudeau stressed that respect for the rule of law and accountability to it should be fundamental and non-negotiable. Noting that tens of millions of people died in Europe, Africa and Asia during the Second World War, he said that Ukraine, Europe and the whole Global South are suffering due to the ongoing conflict.

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