
Tory MP suspended over alleged misuse of funds


The amount eventually escalated to £6,500, sourced from the personal savings of Menzies’ office manager, reimbursed from campaign donations…reports Asian Lite News

The Conservative Party finds itself embroiled in controversy as one of its Members of Parliament, Mark Menzies, faces suspension over allegations of mishandling campaign funds. Menzies, who represents the Fylde constituency in Lancashire, has been accused of soliciting funds from his former campaign manager under dubious circumstances.

The Times reports that Menzies claimed to have been detained overnight in a flat by unidentified individuals whom he referred to as “bad people,” prompting his urgent plea for financial assistance.

As a result of these allegations, Menzies has been stripped of the party whip pending the outcome of an investigation into the matter. However, he vehemently denies the accusations, stating to the Times that he strongly disputes them and maintains his innocence.

According to the newspaper’s account, Menzies contacted his former campaign manager in December, requesting £5,000 to resolve the purported life-threatening situation he found himself in. The amount eventually escalated to £6,500, sourced from the personal savings of Menzies’ office manager, reimbursed from campaign donations.

Reports suggest that Menzies justified his actions by expressing fear of potential consequences if he refused to comply with the demand for funds. Although he offered to repay the money, he claims to have been dissuaded from doing so by local Conservative Party officials who controlled the account from which the funds were withdrawn.

This incident is not an isolated one, as the Times reveals a pattern of similar requests made by Menzies in the past, including one four years prior, where he sought £3,000 from campaign funds to cover medical expenses, with no repayment made thereafter.

Despite Menzies’ assertions of innocence, the allegations have triggered an internal investigation by the Conservative Party. The party has remained tight-lipped about the details of the probe, maintaining the confidentiality of the process. Menzies, for his part, has refrained from further comment on the matter, citing the ongoing investigation.

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