
UAE University hosts ‘Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Summit’


The summit will set a progressive agenda for universities in emerging economies via digital transformation and translational research…reports Asian Lite News

Zaki Nusseibeh, Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and Cultural Advisor to His Highness UAE President, has welcomed delegates to the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Summit in Dubai.

UAE University hosts ‘Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Summit’

The three-day summit – which will conclude today – will set a progressive agenda for universities in emerging economies via digital transformation and translational research.

The hybrid summit is the THE’s first in-person event in over 20 months. It gathers a large number of university presidents, researchers, and digital and data analysts from across the world to address questions affecting the vitality of universities and their relevance to national and international well-being.

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The Times Higher Education (THE) is a UK magazine reporting on news and issues related to higher education. It has published the annual TES–QS World University Rankings since 2004.

ZAKI NUSSEIBEH, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY: “We are pleased that you have joined our conference today at a time when the UAE celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Today, thanks to the efforts of its founders and wise leadership, the UAE has become a global centre for trade and finance, an advanced knowledge-based society, and a vital hub for creative and cultural industries. Our development and our future ambition have always expressed our human values. By bringing the best of the world to the country we improve the lives of our people and secure regional stability.”

He addressed his remarks to issues of education and diversity, saying, “These elements have been fundamental to the success of the UAE’s development and they provide the solid foundation for our future development. In addition, we see that the 10 principles that the UAE has set to guide the nation’s social and economic development in the next 50 years also express the practical values of education, tolerance, openness and acceptance of others. These humanitarian values are the true embodiment of the university.”

UAE University hosts ‘Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Summit’

The UAEU Chancellor explained that the objectives of Expo 2020 Dubai “are to promote innovation, opportunity and global sustainability. Expo sends the message that our future depends on our ability to learn and innovate, that diversity is our strength and that collaboration is our most powerful tool.”

He added, “The hard lesson of the COVID-19 pandemic is that advances in medicine, science and technology are of little value unless the global community finds the ability to work together, pool its resources, and collaborate on common challenges. Therefore, in the context of the pandemic, the Dubai Expo is Expo 2020 is a symbol of hope and inspiration. It celebrates the world’s ability to heal and recover, and that visitors from all over the world can travel to our shores once more. It teaches us that economic renewal and social well-being depend on diversity, education and the ability to work together.”


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