
Mandate of UN peacekeeping mission in CAR renewed


The Security Council has adopted a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) for another 12 months, till November 15, 2022…reports Asian Lite News

Resolution 2605 also decides that the peacekeeping mission, known by its French acronym as MINUSCA, shall maintain its current personnel level — 14,400 troops and 3,020 police officers, reports Xinhua news agency.

The resolution won the approval of 13 of the 15 Security Council members.

Mandate of UN peacekeeping mission in CAR renewed

China and Russia abstained on the basis that the CAR government’s views were not sufficiently reflected in the draft.

Resolution 2605 decides that MINUSCA’s mandate is designed to advance a multi-year strategic vision to create the political, security and institutional conditions conducive to national reconciliation and durable peace through the implementation of the 2019 Political Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation and the elimination of the threat posed by armed groups through a comprehensive approach and proactive and robust posture without prejudice to the basic principles of peacekeeping.

The resolution authorizes MINUSCA to take all necessary means to carry out its mandate within its capabilities and areas of deployment.

The resolution sets as priority tasks of MINUSCA the protection of civilians; good offices and support to the CAR peace process; facilitation of the immediate, full, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance; and the protection of UN personnel, installations, equipment and goods, as well as the security and freedom of movement of UN and associated personnel.

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The peacekeeping mission is also tasked to promote and protect human rights in the CAR; to provide support for the extension of state authority, the deployment of security forces, and the preservation of territorial integrity.

MINUSCA is also authorised to help with security sector reform; the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of members of armed groups, and repatriation in the case of foreign elements; national and international justice, the fight against impunity, and the rule of law.


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