
Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu govt


The father of Omri Miran, one of the two hostages seen in the propaganda video released by the Hamas, said that he is worried about his son’s condition...reports Asian Lite News

Amid the impending hostage deal, thousands of protesters rallied across Israel against the government on Saturday night, following the release of videos by Hamas showing signs of life from several Israeli hostages held captive by them, according to The Times of Israel.

The hostage families and anti-government protesters in Jerusalem came together, organising a strong-march throughout the heart of the city. The protest also had speeches, which were delivered on Ben Yehuda Street there. Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, three separate protests converged near Azrieli Mall while dozens of demonstrators led by some hostage relatives attempted to block Ayalon Highway, spelling out the word “halas [enough]” by igniting fires on the road, according to The Times of Israel. The police officials said that they arrested seven protesters on Saturday evening.

The father of Omri Miran, one of the two hostages seen in the propaganda video released by the Hamas, said that he is worried about his son’s condition. He narrated the ordeal of how his son was taken captive by the Hamas in front of crowd of thousands in Israel. In the edited three-minute video released by Hamas, Miran and fellow inmate Keith Siegel introduce themselves, address their families, and express their hope for a solution that would allow them to return home with the other captives, according to The Times of Israel. After protests held by hostages’ families and an anti-government rally convened outside Azrieli mall in Tel Aviv, demonstrators began running down Begin Street, bypassing police barriers and skirmishing with law enforcement. (ANI)

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