
China ups military presence near Taiwan pre-inauguration


Taiwan is anticipating a Chinse disruption of President-elect Lai Ching-te’s May 20 inauguration by hacking into websites and e-billboards and sabotaging the power grid….reports Asian Lite News

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence issued a statement on Saturday revealing that a significant presence of Chinese military aircraft and vessels has been detected in the vicinity of Taiwan.

According to the ministry, as of 6 am (UTC+8) that day, a total of 15 China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and 6 China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels were observed operating around Taiwan.

Of particular concern is the revelation that 9 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, breaching Taiwan’s Southwestern Air Defence Identification Zone (SW ADIZ) and entering its airspace. This development underscores escalating tensions between Taiwan and China, as such airspace violations are viewed as provocative actions.

In response to the detected presence, Taiwan’s Armed Forces, represented by the Republic of China Armed Forces (ROCArmedForces), have closely monitored the situation and initiated appropriate responses. The nature of these responses was not detailed in the statement.

The increased activity in the Taiwan Strait region comes amidst growing geopolitical tensions between Taiwan and China. Taiwan has long been a point of contention for Beijing, which considers the island a renegade province and has repeatedly expressed intentions to reunify it with the mainland, even if by force.

“15 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 9 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan’s SW ADIZ. #ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly,” said Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence on Saturday.

The presence of PLA military assets near Taiwan continues to be a sensitive issue, heightening concerns over potential escalations in the region. The Taiwanese government has consistently called for international support and attention to ensure stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait.

Since September 2020, China has intensified its use of “grey zone tactics” by operating more military aircraft and naval ships near Taiwan.

According to CSIS, grey zone tactics are defined as “an effort or series of efforts beyond steady-state deterrence and assurance that attempts to achieve one’s security objectives without resorting to direct and sizable use of force.”

Seoul :Nearly 560K foreign hacking attempts against S.Korean govt detected over past 6 yrs.(Yonhap/IANS)

Hacking concerns

The sole ruling party of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could attempt to disrupt President-elect Lai Ching-te’s May 20 inauguration by hacking into websites and electronic billboards and sabotaging the southern power grid, Taiwan News reported.

An official told ‘Liberty Times,’ a local Taiwanese newspaper on May 9 that Chinese hackers could target government websites and public screens on May 20, potentially inserting sarcastic congratulatory messages or pro-CCP propaganda to embarrass Lai.

China has intensified pressure on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) after the January elections, as per Taiwan News.

An official revealed that China has been seeking information about the content of Lai’s inauguration speech through academics based in Hong Kong and Macau.

According to Taiwan News, the official further assessed that China is unlikely to conduct significant military exercises before May 20 but may attempt to disrupt the inauguration.

He also stated China could try and disrupt power in Tainan, where the presidential banquet will be held. The official warned relevant units should be prepared to respond accordingly.

He emphasized that if China is not satisfied with the content of Lai’s inaugural speech, further actions could be taken. Tariff reductions for specific items under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) could be suspended.

On the diplomatic front, in the first year of the new president’s tenure, as is customary, there may be overseas visits, and the CCP may once again entice allies to sever ties with Taiwan to undermine Lai.

Meanwhile, recently Taiwan detained businessmen, and retired officers suspected of spying for China

Chinese security officials allegedly asked the businessman, surnamed Wen, to invite retired military officers over to China for meetings, the report said quoting Central News Agency (CNA).

A former officer named Chu agreed first and then recruited Chiang to join him, Kaohsiung prosecutors said.

During a visit to China, the three reportedly agreed to expand their organisation and persuade more serving and retired officers to join and provide information to Beijing. After completing their investigation, prosecutors raided Wen’s home on May 9 and detained all three suspects, Taiwan News reported.

While the three accused have denied the allegations, the investigators said they were highly likely to have broken the National Security Act. (ANI)

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