PR Service

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Asian Lite International is the most popular website and newspaper for Asian communities across the world. Published from London & Dubai, Asian Lite is the best medium to share your news & images to a discerning audience.  

Asian Lite is happy to assist you to publish your story. New products & Services, Bollywood releases, art & cultural events, company announcements, news & pics of a special event, sports fixtures .. anything you believe that should be brought to the attention of Asian Lite’s readers, please feel free to use this service.

Copy should be written as a news story and sent to in Word format. Pics in JPEG. If you want to insert a video, please send as MP4 format. You can also send YouTube or any related Links to make the copy comprehensive.

All the contributions will be subject to an editorial review, for which there is a nominal charge of £25. If approved will be published on and you will be notified by email.

The advantage of publishing a press release at Asian Lite is that you create a permanent one-way link from Asian Lite to your site which could enhance your Page Rank (if you promote a link through Social Media Platforms).

Terms and Conditions

By sending a PR release to Asian Lite Newsdesk, I/we agree to the terms and conditions as set out below:

The right to publish the press release relies on Asian Lite and it will be accepted after an editorial review. Submitters acknowledge news releases they propose are subject to modification to conform with Asian Lite’s editorial policies. 

The administrative fee charged will be non-refundable due to costs involved in administering this service and providing editorial reviews. Content considered unacceptable, including but not limited to content related to pornography, gambling, spam, illegal activity, or using obscene language will be rejected. Direct advertising, and over-use of adjectives will be removed or reduced in releases. All press releases must be relevant to readers of our site.

Submitters are responsible for the copyright of the content of their releases, or have rights to publish same from the individuals, organisations, or clients they represent. They verify they have the authority to publish the content as proposed, or as subsequently modified by Asian Lite, including the use of any trademarks, links or photos, and indemnify the publisher/agents against any legal action brought against them for use of any unauthorised content.

By submitting a news release you authorise Asian Lite to publish that release in whole or in part Asian Lite web site and other platforms. 

PayPal payments are accepted –[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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