As per provisional reports till 7 a.m., 14,45,67,423 people belonging to the age-group of 18-44 years, 9,71,44,220 between 45-59 years and 6,70,70,239 of those above 60 years have received the second dose of the vaccine….reports Asian Lite News
India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 106.85 crore with the administration of 52,39,444 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) said on Tuesday.
As per provisional reports till 7 a.m., 14,45,67,423 people belonging to the age-group of 18-44 years, 9,71,44,220 between 45-59 years and 6,70,70,239 of those above 60 years have received the second dose of the vaccine.
Similarly, 42,04,89,326 of those from the 18-44 years age group and 17,53,42,269 from 45-59 age group have received their first jab. In addition to these figures, 11,00,17,665 from 60 years age group got their first dose of the vaccine.
A total of 1,03,79,238 Health Care Workers and 1,83,71,868 Frontline Workers have got their first dose and 92,33,414 HCWs and 1,59,56,217 FLWs got their second dose of the inoculation done till this date, the report showed.

As per the Ministry, recovery of 15,021 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally of recovered patients to 3,36,83,581.
Currently, the active caseload of the country is 1,53,776 — the lowest in 250 days with active cases constituting 0.45 per cent of the country’s total positive cases, which is the lowest since March 2020.
Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 98.21 per cent. Meanwhile, the weekly positivity rate stands at 1.16 per cent — which continues to be less than 2 per cent for the last 39 days now — whereas the daily positivity rate is reported to be 1.03 per cent.
The daily positivity rate has remained below 2 per cent for the last 29 days and below 3 per cent for 64 consecutive days now.
In the last 24 hours, 10,09,045 tests have been conducted. “India has so far conducted over 61.02 crore cumulative tests,” the statement said.