
German chancellor lands in Israel amid Ukraine crisis


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz landed in Israel on Tuesday night for a snap visit as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues…reports Asian Lite News

The Hebrew-language Ynet news site reported that Scholz landed at the Ben Gurion Airport outside Tel Aviv for a trip that was planned to span three days and shortened to one day amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Xinhua news agency reported.

On Wednesday morning, Scholz and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will visit Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, and then hold a private meeting, Bennett’s office said in a statement.

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Scholz is also scheduled to meet with Knesset (parliament) Speaker Mickey Levy, according to a statement issued by the Knesset.

“The unshakable friendship with Israel is a matter close to my heart,” Scholz wrote on Twitter after his arrival, saying he is “really looking forward to tomorrow’s meeting with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.”

“Even if the situation in Ukraine will keep us very busy,” he added.


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