
Punjab Congress Chief Firmly Opposes Land Survey


Warring accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government of undermining Punjab’s case in the matter…reports Asian Lite News

Punjab Congress President, Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, responded strongly to the Supreme Court’s directive for a land survey in Punjab related to the construction of the SYL canal. He firmly stated, “Punjab has no surplus water to share, and there is no question of conducting a survey.”

In his official statement, Warring expressed respect for the Honorable Supreme Court of India but vehemently opposed the order for the Central government to conduct a survey for the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal in Punjab. He highlighted the historical significance of Punjab’s water, emphasizing that it has been significantly depleted over the years, even its underground water resources are on the brink of exhaustion, and, therefore, there is no possibility of sharing water with other states.

Warring accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government of undermining Punjab’s case in the matter. He alleged that AAP had vested interests in the issue, citing statements made by AAP leaders about delivering water to Haryana during their political campaigns. He criticized AAP for attempting to gain political ground in northern India through the SYL canal issue and accused the Punjab government of presenting a weak case in the Supreme Court.

Highlighting the emotional significance of the SYL canal issue for the people of Punjab, Warring cautioned against playing with the emotions of Punjabis. He warned that escalating this issue could harken back to a dark period in Punjab’s history when the situation was considerably more tense.

Addressing the survey order, Warring pointed out that the Haryana government had already conducted a survey and completed construction on its side because of their water needs. However, he reiterated that Punjab has no surplus water to allocate, making any survey in Punjab unnecessary.

ALSO READ-SC Rebukes Punjab Government Over Delay in SYL Canal Construction


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