Putin Officials Filmed in China with ‘Nuclear Briefcase’


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping posed for a family photograph ceremony at the 3rd International Forum “One Belt, One Road” on Wednesday….reports Asian Lite News

Rare video footage captured Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing, flanked by officers carrying the the “nuclear briefcase,” a crucial tool for authorising a nuclear strike. Following his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Putin was observed proceeding to another engagement, surrounded by security personnel, while two Russian naval officers, each holding a briefcase, accompanied him.

Russia’s nuclear briefcase, known as the “Cheget” and traditionally entrusted to a naval officer, remains in the president’s vicinity at all times but is seldom seen on film. According to Kremlin correspondents from the state news agency RIA, these briefcases are indispensable companions on Putin’s trips. In a separate clip, Putin exits a meeting in Beijing, with the naval officers once again accompanying him as he descends a flight of stairs.

The US president also possesses a similar device, referred to as the “nuclear football,” which contains the codes required for authenticating an order to launch nuclear missiles if the president is not at the White House.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping posed for a family photograph ceremony at the 3rd International Forum “One Belt, One Road” on Wednesday.

Various heads of delegation participated in the event with the two leaders during the forum being held in China.

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs took to X to post, “President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in an official family photo ceremony with heads of delegations participating in the III International Forum “One Belt, One Road”.

Earlier on Tuesday, Putin attended the official meeting ceremony with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, heads of delegations participating in the “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).”

Sharing it on their social media ‘X’, formerly known as Twitter, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed his visit to the forum.

“President Vladimir Putin arrives at the Third #BeltandRoad Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, takes part in the welcome & family photo ceremonies,” the post said.

Putin arrived in Beijing for a two-day visit to China. Xinping greeted President Putin on his arrival, following which the two leaders held a brief conversation.

ALSO READ: BRICS now richer than G7, says Putin

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