
Netanyahu Urges Moderate Arab Nations to Lead Gaza Reconstruction


The statement of the Israeli premier comes amid pressure from within and outside the country regarding the administration of Gaza after the end of the ongoing war with Hamas…reports Asian Lite News

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the IDF is the only security force capable of preventing a resurgence of terrorism in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement on Tuesday night, the Prime Minister said that the Israel Defense Forces will maintain the freedom to operate in Gaza after the war.

However, Netanyahu said that he was for a civilian administration in Gaza which did not support Hamas or the destruction of Israel.

The statement of the Israeli premier comes amid pressure from within and outside the country regarding the administration of Gaza after the end of the ongoing war with Hamas.

The Prime Minister of Israel also said that he wants the reconstruction of Gaza done by moderate Arab countries with the support of the International community.

It may be recalled that Arabian countries had always asserted that they would not assist in the reconstruction of Gaza unless Israel supported a move for the Palestinian state.

Netanyahu categorically denied any Palestinian Authority rule in a post-war situation in Gaza. He said that he does not want an administration in Gaza that teaches the young generation of Gazians to seek the destruction of Israel.

Gaza Resettlement ‘Never in the Cards’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told US media that Israel has no plans to build settlements in the Gaza Strip once the war there is over.

“Resettling Gaza… was never in the cards,” Netanyahu said in an interview with the US broadcaster CNN on Tuesday.

“Some of my constituents are not happy about it, but that’s my position.”

Several of the right-wing nationalist Ministers in Netanyahu’s coalition had repeatedly spoken out in favour of resettling the Gaza Strip with Jewish settlers. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir even declared on Tuesday that he would like to live there himself.

As soon as Palestinian militant organisation Hamas is defeated, sustainable demilitarisation of the Gaza Strip must be achieved, Netanyahu told CNN, adding that “the only force that can prevent the resurgence of terrorism for the foreseeable future is Israel”.

“At the same time we want — I want — a civilian administration that is run by Gazans who are neither Hamas nor committed to our destruction.”

On Saturday, Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s war Cabinet, said that he and other members of his centre-right National Union Party would leave Netanyahu’s government if the Prime Minister did not present a plan for the post-war order in the Gaza Strip by June 8.

The 64-year-old retired Army General and former Defence Minister joined the war Cabinet as a Minister without portfolio.

The parties involved sought to demonstrate national unity in the wake of the attacks led by Hamas and other extremist groups on October 7, in which more than 1,200 people were killed. The unprecedented attack triggered the Gaza war as Israel responded with massive airstrikes and a ground offensive.

The National Union is an opposition party. In opinion polls, it is currently far ahead of Netanyahu’s Likud party.

Netanyahu has previously said he wanted the territory to remain under Israeli military control for the foreseeable future. So far, he has refused to present a plan for the administration and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after the end of the war.

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