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LITE BLOGS - Page 597

A modern rendition of Bandhini by Ritu Kuma. by .

Resurgence Of Bandhani Trend

A vibrant, colourful and exuberant fashion trend seems to have emerged in these uncertain times; the confinement of Covid-19 has seen the resurgence of tie and dye. Judging by social media feeds
August 18, 2020
Securing children safety online. by .

Tech Neck Crisis In Teens

Amid school and college closures, many teenagers are attending online classes from home. Sitting without a proper desk in wrong postures for long hours invites a temporary neck and back pain that
August 18, 2020
Eid-ul-Fitr is more than just 'savaiyan'. by .

Nutty Swift In Snacking

While the idea of snacking encompasses a variety of foods, a recent survey finds that over the past few years, there has been a conscious change in people’s preferences and habits, and
August 18, 2020
Manage your child's hidden hunger with these tips. by .

Tips To Manage Hidden Hunger

Nutrition for kids plays a vital role in their lives. With the rise of snacking nowadays thanks to the lockdown, kids today might not be getting the vital nutrients they need, to
August 18, 2020
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