Praising present Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Gates said, “On the top of that list is Satya, who now is doing a great job as the CEO. In my digital first career, the
As World Laughter Day knocks on our door, let’s buckle up for a rollercoaster of laughter as we take a deep dive into the world of comedy, quirky mishaps, and eccentric stories! From
Step into the kitchen with some of today’s most influential figures across the world as they share cherished recipes and heartwarming stories of their childhood in the Audible Original podcast ‘Your Mama’s
Another aspect of online desi feminism is that the usual identity silos like nationality, economic class, caste, and religion are not visible. Instead, women are coalescing around a shared personal experience of
Each week, writer/host Jeremy Godwin looks at one aspect of mental health and provides straightforward, practical advice based on quality research and his own experience of learning how to live with anxiety