UAE lauds Saudi Arabia ahead of G20 summit


Saudi Arabia assumed the G20 presidency in December last year, but as the Covid-19 pandemic crippled the world economies and health systems, it was decided to hold the summit on a virtual platform…reports Asian Lite News

The UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, has praised Saudi Arabia ahead of the G20 summit which will be hosted in the Kingdom over the next two days.Arab News Reports

In a tweet posted on Friday, Gargash said Saudi Arabia’s hosting of the summit “confirms the central role of Riyadh in the region.”

And he added that it had “always been linked to stability, prosperity and concern for the Gulf, Arab and Islamic interests.”

The minister’s tweet finished adding “and from the UAE all sincere wishes for the success of the Riyadh summit for the sake of the world and humanity.”

Saudi Arabia is gearing up to host the upcoming two-day virtual summit of G20 leaders, an international forum for the governments and central bank governors, from 19 countries and the European Union (EU) from November 21.

In 2021, Italy will host the G20 Summit and in 2022 India will host the summit, when the country celebrates its 75th year of Independence.

Saudi Arabia assumed the G20 presidency in December last year, but as the Covid-19 pandemic crippled the world economies and health systems, it was decided to hold the summit on a virtual platform.

In December 2019, Saudi Arabia had unveiled an ambitious theme for its G20 presidency, namely ‘Realising Opportunities of the 21st Century for All’.

The three pillars of the theme included empowering people, safeguarding the planet and shaping new frontiers.

The Saudi Arabia G20 presidency has been driving harmonious efforts to address social and economic inequalities between men and women with the aim of ‘Realising Opportunities of the 21st Century for All’.

Also read:Greek PM visits largest mosque in UAE

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