Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has told his party colleague and Left Democratic Front Convenor E.P. Jayarajan that he should be more active in party politics, sources said.
Sources in the CPI-M told IANS that Jayarajan met the Chief Minister at the latter’s official residence on Saturday night and Vijayan had told him to be active.
Jayarajan was purportedly been sulking ever since the much junior M.V. Govindan was elevated as the CPI-M state Secretary and nominated to the party’s highest-decision making body, the Politburo.
The CPI-M had conducted the first All India seminar against the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) at Kozhikode on Saturday which was given a skip by the LDF Convenor.
Instead Jayarajan was at in state capital to attend a public programme of party’s youth wing, the DYFI of which he was the first national President.
Jayarajan, however, while speaking to media persons said: “I am always active in party work. There was no need for everyone to attend the seminar as the party had earlier decided who all will participate in this seminar and there is no need of any controversy on the same.”
Sources told IANS that other constituents of the LDF, including the CPI, were also unhappy at the performance of the LDF Convenor. Some CPI leaders in private said that the LDF has not met for the past three months and there has not been any open discussion even on major policy decisions.