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Lifestyle - Page 15

Dynamic Duo for Winter Skin Woes

Honey is a natural sweetener and culinary delight but has amazing skin care properties. Honey contains natural sugars that help retain moisture, preventing dry skin from becoming overhydrated. It is an excellent
December 20, 2023

Navigating the Maze of Anger

Unchecked anger destroys human relationships, creates toxic work environments, perpetuates oppression, and disturbs one’s inner peace…writes Lokesh Muni As social animals, we are exposed to stimuli, negative and positive, every day. How
December 14, 2023

Essential Skin Care Lessons for Kids

Promote the use of gentle, kid-friendly shampoos and soaps, and discuss the advantages of using warm rather than hot water to keep skin hydrated…writes Prasanna Vasanadu A lifetime of healthy skin can be ensured
December 14, 2023
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