The bad news is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this dilemma. The good news also is that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution! If there’s no right answer, then at least, you’re
Asanas like Shavasana, Navasana, Tolasana, Suryanamaskar, Chakrasana helps in strengthening the overall being of kids. It aims to develop both physical health as well as cognitive skills in children…writes Puja Gupta. Over
It will help sharpen their observation skills. Don’t encourage children to pluck flowers or leaves as that would undermine the process of teaching them to respect the environment…writes N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe. Lockdown
Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, or spinach are some vegetables to include in your child’s diet…writes Puja Gupta. Mothers are always worried about nutritional choices for kids. The right food can help
Probably the most important summer tip — more so for Indians baking under the tropical sun. Apply sunscreen early, and often, especially if the children spend time outdoors…writes Siddhi Jain. Proper caring
Self-respect and confidence are feelings that well up from within when you make time to do the necessary internal work…writes N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe Motherhood has been glorified in most of the communities.
As many as 2,960 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in the media, according to Sahil’s annual report published in March this year, representing a four per cent increase compared to
I was curious to know how much of the gender roles had shifted within the family systems during these turbulent times… interacts with Siddhi Jain. Motherhood is at a time the wonderful
Children always look up to parents for comfort, love, support and direction. They want to be like us, do what we do and learn the most from us as they notice every
Restrict social events assemblies and even gathering at student canteens and the practice of sharing food…writes Siddhi Jain. With the commencement of nationwide vaccination drive and the falling numbers of active Covid-19